Continuous Member Engagement is the Plan at OTEC

22 Dec 2023
Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative (OTEC) prioritizes economic development and Concern for Community through many methods. We help businesses operate and families live more efficiently through affordable electricity. To that end, OTEC had invested over $153 million to improve the reliability, safety and efficiency of our system. Additionally, numerous programs focus on energy-efficient buildings, providing energy assistance and giving back to the community through our economic development efforts, rebate programs, charitable contributions and work-in-kind programs, and scholarships provided through the OTEC Member Foundation.
OTEC’s Economic Development team works closely with community and business leaders to ensure they have needed services and resources to support successful growth. The list below highlights the membership engagement efforts in 2023.
Annual Meeting
Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative held its Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande. Agenda items included reports on the status of the cooperative, Board of Directors position elections, bylaw changes and an update on the status of the OTEC Member Foundation. A recording of the meeting can be found here.
Power Easter Oregon
The second annual Power Eastern Oregon Economic Development Summit was held at Anthony Lakes in mid-September to explore innovative approaches and solutions to issues the entire Eastern Oregon region is trying to solve. Regional developers, industry leaders, and healthcare experts were just some individuals involved. Breakout sessions focused on collaborative model problem-solving in agriculture and the timber industry, the state of America’s infrastructure, the future of broadband, the role of healthcare in regional economies and the need for strategic planning economic development. Read further information and bios here.
District Meetings in OTEC’s Service Territories
In addition to our Annual Meeting in Union County, we held District Meetings this year in each of the other counties we serve. In John Day, Burns, and Baker City, member-owners could hear from OTEC leaders (staff and elected Board members) and community groups. Members heard about current and future projects in their area that improve safety and reliability, how the co-op is helping their communities and local rural fire departments, scholarship opportunities, and more. Plus, members could ask questions and talk directly with OTEC employees.
Wildfire Town Halls
OTEC proactively works to mitigate the ever-changing risk associated with wildfires to meet regulatory requirements and keep its communities, members and employees safe. Guided by the Cooperative Principal of Concern for Community, OTEC held five public town halls to share information on its wildfire mitigation and preparedness, which can be found at, including a Wildfire Mitigation Plan and Public Safety Power Shutoffs.
Firewise Communities
OTEC also makes an effort to attend community Firewise annual meetings and events when possible. We utilize these opportunities to further connect with our member-owners and communities about our efforts to limit wildfire risk. Additionally, these meetings serve as a great chance to hear our members’ good ideas as we continue to improve our wildfire mitigation efforts. So far, we have met with communities in Grant and Baker Counties and plan to continue expanding on those efforts in the future.
Grateful for All Members
The Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative Economic Development team would like to thank all of the small businesses and nonprofits in our service region for their dedication to the communities of northeast Oregon in 2023. If you are a business, investor, or site selector interested in Eastern Oregon, we are here to provide information, answers and assistance. Whether you need demographic data, help locating a property or a community connection – reach out to us today!
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